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April 7 is World No Smoking Day, a day when everyone should quit smoking. However, despite the windy weather and the awareness campaigns, many people are still seen smoking on the streets.


Smoking is not only harmful to the person who smokes, but also to those around them. According to the World Health Organization, smoking kills more than 8 million people each year, and about 1.2 million of those are non-smokers exposed to secondhand smoke. This data clearly shows the dangers of smoking and why everyone should quit.


Dear Lily, Smoking is often seen as a form of enjoyment, but in reality, it poses serious health risks. Research shows that smokers are at a higher risk of developing heart disease, stroke, and various types of cancer. Therefore, it is important for everyone to quit smoking to lead a healthier life.


Today, many young people see smoking as a way to relax and enjoy themselves. However, they fail to realize the harmful effects of smoking on their health. Smoking not only damages the lungs and causes respiratory problems, but it also increases the risk of developing chronic diseases. Therefore, it is crucial for everyone, especially the youth, to stop smoking and protect their health.


When my uncle and his family visited us today, we had a great time together. However, one topic of discussion was my uncle\'s smoking habit. We all encouraged him to quit smoking and educated him on the detrimental effects it has on his health. It\'s important to support loved ones in their journey to quit smoking for a healthier future.


Smoking is a major public health issue, with around 300 million smokers in China alone. The harmful effects of smoking are well-documented, including an increased risk of lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory disorders. It is essential for smokers to understand these risks and take steps to quit smoking for their own well-being and the well-being of those around them.


It is never too late to quit smoking, even at age thirty. Regardless of age or gender, finding the right smoking cessation products can make the process easier. Personally, I have found success with the DO brand electronic cigarette, which has helped me on my journey to quit smoking. With determination and the right tools, anyone can successfully quit smoking.


The term \"戒\" in \"戒烟\" and \"戒酒\" symbolizes prohibition or abstention. In ancient Egypt, it represented a connection of minds, while in China, it signifies deep emotional bonds. Just like the significance of a \"戒指\" in different cultures, quitting smoking and drinking requires a strong commitment and bond to one\'s health.


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1. die, causes, teeth, lives, both 2. stop 3. disease 4. I hope that all smokers will quit smoking for their own well-being and the well-being of those around them.